Rental Galleries

Would you like to be part of the gallery?

Melt currently has two rental galleries available for rent to artists for solo exhibitions for a flat rental fee. The intention behind these project rooms is to provide and cultivate a supportive environment for the artists to showcase their work in an inexpensive gallery space. Melt Gallery will provide the gallery attendant, handle client inquiries and transactions and promote the Artist's work on our website and through our social media platforms (Facebook and Instagram). Our gallery space is open and welcome to all artists and peoples regardless of their age, gender, orientation, backgrounds, etc. We have a zero-tolerance discrimination policy within our gallery to make this environment safe for all, attendees and artists alike. Apply below and we will send you our Rental Agreement for your review. Duo exhibitions will be considered and are subject to an extra surcharge on the rental fee. Duo exhibitions are considered on a per case basis.

The FOCUS gallery is for rent for artists working in any medium, while the FORMAT gallery primarily showcases work outside the 2D realm, in sculpture, video, or installation. However, both galleries are open to applications from artists working in any medium.

Artists are responsible for installing their own works and with insuring their works while on display. The Gallery will do their utmost to protect your work while on our premises. If you are unable to install your own work, we are happy to provide a professional art installer at a rate of a minimum of $100 for 3 hours.  Additional time is at $35 hour.

Solo exhibition fee: $650 plus hst per month. See 2024 show schedule for both gallery spaces below.

TO APPLY: Please send your detailed proposal with images to with “Rental Gallery” in the subject line and please specify which room you would prefer or if you have no preference. Include links to your website and social media platforms, your full contact information and at least 3 choices from the 2024 show dates listed below in order of preference. Accepted artists will begin to be notifed in late January.

2024 SHOW DATES: Focus Gallery

MAY 24 –JUNE 16: Claude Demers
JUNE 21–JULY 14: Dale Tomlinson
JULY 18–AUGUST 11: Jodi Shuster
AUGUST 15–SEPTEMBER 8: Cherie Daly
OCTOBER 11–NOVEMBER 3: Gail Williams
NOVEMBER 8–DECEMBER 1: Catherine Gutsche
DECEMBER 6–29: Available

2024 SHOW DATES: Format Gallery

AUGUST 15–SEPTEMBER 8: Paul Sabyan
SEPETMEBER 12–OCTOBER 6: Kristen Donoghue-Stanford
Autumn Ducharme

FORMAT’s mandate is primarily to showcase and highlight artworks that explore the boundaries of art installation, audio/visuals arts and art beyond the 2D realms. Such works could include sculpture installation, video art/documentation, and mural installations. In the commercial art world site specific, ephemeral arts and A/V installation often gets overlooked for exhibitions due to the concern that these artworks are “harder to sell” and commodify. However, at FORMAT we understand the intrinsic value of artists who push boundaries and ask questions about art and material “value”.  We encourage artists to experiment, push art/technology forwards and introduce us to new facets of art creation. FORMAT Gallery understands the nature of these mediums and works to provide artists the opportunity to exhibit their work free from the pressures of commodification.  While we encourage artists to exhibit artworks and editions that can be for sale, it is not mandatory to exhibit in this gallery. While we encourage applications from artists working in these realms, it is not mandatory and the Format Gallery can be rented out for artists working in any medium subject to rental gallery availability.

We endeavour each year to award 1 show in the Format Gallery at no fee that support art installation, audio/visuals arts and art beyond the 2D realms. Awards are based on artistic merit.